It's Dangerous Where It's Deep

It's Dangerous Where It's Deep

2 minute read

God spoke to me at the pool today. 

I brought my bigs to their usual swim lesson and setted in the shallow wade pool with the baby.

He's just getting used to the water and is testing it, wading out deeper and deeper each time, dipping his hands under, and enjoying the feeling of being immersed in something that renders him weightless. He's pretty fearless and has landed face first more than once, sputtering with shock. But a quick scoop up from mom, a hug, and a reassurance that "I'm right here, keep going", and he's off again. 

With this daring though, comes an unfortunate lack of judgement. He has no idea that at any point, he could drown. If i walk away for one second when he is chest deep, a tragedy could occur in the interval. 

But here's the deal;  I'm not walking away. 

I'm loving his courage. His confidence. I'm loving seeing him take risks and be rewarded. 

I'm encouraging him to wade out into the deep parts, because I am right there with him.

The deeper he goes, the closer I get. Ready to rescue him if he begins to flail.

As I waded out with him, delighted in his trust in me and in his willingness to go with me further, I heard that familiar gentle whisper deep in my soul from the Holy Spirit.

"This is how I am with you..."

I think you can see where I'm headed with this. 

It's dangerous. Water.

It's powerful and beautiful and we were made to frolic in it. 

(No evidence needed, just look at beaches year round.)

The spiritual life too, is dangerous. 

But our hearts were made to lose ourselves in its depths.

The deeper we wade out with God, the more we have to depend on him to catch us if we start to flail. The deeper it is, the more humble and little we become; the more we realize how much he has done, and is doing for us, and on our behalf; the more we need him right there.

Like water, there's an immersion that takes place between our hearts and God's that renders us weightless, and we feel vulnerable, capable of drowning. But these deep waters in God's heart  are where we come to the end of ourselves, and that, my dears, is exactly where we need to be. The deeper we go into the heart of God, the more ourselves we really become. 

And the deeper we go, the closer He gets.

"Put out into the deep, and let your nets down for a catch."


Lauren Nelson is a teacher, speaker, podcaster, mom, wife, and is a member of the Order of Carmelite Discalced Seculars. She is the creator and founder of

"Gathering Manna: Moment by Moment Spirituality for Moms"

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